
Angie Szumlinski
June 8, 2022

I know, I talk about this a lot, you would think I was the most fit person on earth, NOT! However, we all know there are benefits to daily exercise, whether it be a way to control our weight, lighten our mood, or strengthen our muscles, whatever your reason, we all know there are benefits. Sure, some benefits may take weeks to months to realize, especially if you are on a weight loss journey but don’t give up!

Recently, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 15 prospective studies on the association between physical activity and depression were published in JAMA. The study recommended that all adult participants meet the physical activity recommendations of 2.5 hours/week of brisk walking. Guess what? They found that the adults who met the recommended activity levels had a lower risk of depression compared with adults reporting no physical activity!

Why is this important? Because depression is the leading cause of mental health-related disease and may be reduced by physical activity! So, what is “brisk walking”? See the chart below but basically, anywhere from 3.0-3.5 mph is considered “brisk”. Now, get your Fitbit fired up, get your walking shoes on, and hit the trails, treadmill, or gym. Times a-wastin’, don’t be sad, be glad! Stay the course, stay well, and stay informed!


Age Sex Meters/Second Miles/Hour
20-29 Male 1.36 3.04
Female 1.34 3.0
30-39 Male 1.43 3.2
Female 1.34 3.0
40-49 Male 1.43 3.2
Female 1.39 3.11
50-59 Male 1.43 3.2
Female 1.31 2.93
60-69 Male 1.34 3.0
Female 1.24 2.77
70-79 Male 1.26 2.82
Female 1.13 2.53
80-89 Male 0.97 2.17
Female 0.94 2.10


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