It seems like every time I turn on the local news station they give me bad news, so, being the person I am, I avoid the news! However, I do read every day and sometimes even believe what I read! So, imagine my disappointment when I read a recent article on the detrimental impact alcohol has on the brain! Sure, we all know the statistics, alcohol doesn’t have any nutritional value (well maybe grapes?) and can lead to long-term consequences like alcoholism, weight gain, DUIs, etc. I was still intrigued by the findings of this study and how a simple mineral that we need in our bodies everyday can cause harm to our brains!
What this study found was that alcohol consumption is associated with increased levels of brain iron. After baseline MRIs of the brain were taken, participants completed a cognitive battery test which included trail-making tests that reflect executive function, puzzle tests that assess fluid intelligence or logic and reasoning, and task-based tests using the “snap*” card game to measure reaction time. The results were that the more iron present in certain brain regions, the poorer participants’ cognitive performance. Iron supplements are often recommended during early adulthood, especially for women, but this study found that this mineral can be harmful, thus the confusion. It isn’t clear from this study if that daily multivitamin routine may have a negative impact on our bodies, but it might be worth talking to your PCP about.
What does this mean to you and me, the “social” drinker? Likely nothing, however, it is food for thought when you reach for that second cocktail! I, for one, am going to purchase the card game “Snap” and play it as often as I can to determine if I might have too much iron in my brain. So, instead of saying you have had too many drinks can we say we have too much brain iron? Oh, bad idea. Remember, everything in moderation. Your body is your castle, treat it with respect and it will serve you well for years to come! Stay well and stay informed!