Anyone Home?

Angie Szumlinski
November 12, 2020

Small gatherings are becoming a growing source of COVID-19 spread, as cases and hospitalizations are on the rise nationwide. “In the public square, we’re seeing a higher degree of vigilance and mitigation steps in many jurisdictions,” said CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield during a call with the nation’s governors on Tuesday, October 13th. Redfield went on to say “but what we’re seeing as the increasing threat right now is actually the acquisition of infection through small household gatherings, particularly with Thanksgiving coming up, we think it is really important to stress the vigilance of these continued mitigation steps in the household setting”.

Dr. Johnathan Reiner, professor of medicine at George Washington University said “if you are lucky enough to live in a part of the country where the weather will be moderate in November, do an outdoor Thanksgiving. However in places in the country where the winter comes early, I think you have to really be careful”. Dr. Reiner also said, “next year is going to be much better, let’s get through this, and let’s get through it safely”.

Sadly, the experts are probably correct, the holidays as we know them will probably not happen. We are looking at virtual visits, sending goodies via mail/UPS, sharing memories over the phone, and hoping that we are all safe and healthy. It will be okay, it isn’t the end of the world (yet), and remember, there was always an argument about who got the last piece of pumpkin pie anyway! Enjoy your holidays, stay well, stay safe, and stay tuned!

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