BRRRR…..It’s Cold Outside!

Angie Szumlinski
February 20, 2011

Records have been broken around the country this winter, bitter cold temperatures, snow that has paralyzed major cities and a few weeks ago it was announced that there was snow on the ground in 48 states!  The good news is that spring is just around the corner however this is the time of year where we tend to let our guard down.

Think back to that first snow fall of the season, remember?  That light, fluffy, pretty, white snow?  Everyone was on alert, drivers were more careful, roads and sidewalks were plowed/salted/sanded and life was good.  Suddenly the pretty white snow has turned grey and slushy, the holidays and festivities are over and most of us as just waiting for spring. 

Now is the time to increase awareness at your facility as there is increased risk of:

  • Large sheets of ice slipping off the edge of rooflines, landing on pedestrians causing injuries
  • Snow melting when the sun is out during the day and refreezing at night in parking lots/sidewalks causing slip and fall incidents
  • Large icicles hanging from gutters and/or overhangs falling and impaling pedestrians
  • Black ice forming at night where downspouts have trickled melting ice onto walkways
  • Safety mats being removed prematurely increasing the risk of wet, slippery floors at entryways to the building
  • Not having enough salt/sand products to use on walkways, parking lots and entryways
  • Not maintaining facility policies and protocols regarding preventive maintenance on outdoor areas


Yes spring is on the way but remember, it is our responsibility to maintain a safe environment for our residents, employees and guests, including the outdoors which can be a challenge!  Take a minute to review your policy on maintaining a property free of hazards.  Remember, policies and procedures are only as good as the people implementing them!  Take a walk around your property observing for hazards, address any deficiencies immediately and stay warm!

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