Corporate Compliance Seminar: Register Now!

Angie Szumlinski
June 6, 2016



Corporate Compliance Seminar

Tuesday, June 21, 2016




A full day seminar devoted to Corporate Compliance. Through dynamic presenters with extensive experience in specific aspects in the development and implementation of compliance programs, attendees will move from the basic structure of an effective program, to operationalizing a compliance program. This will include a very unique opportunity to hear from the Honorable Michael J. Riordan and David L. Haron of Haron Law Group P.L.C., who have experience representing “the other side” in False Claims lawsuits on behalf of the government or private Qui Tam relators.


**Limited Space Available**


This educational offering has been reviewed by the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and approved for 6 clock hours and 6 participant hours.





COMPLIANCE PROGRAM BASICS – The Kitch compliance attorneys have years of experience with helping clients nationwide to develop and implement effective compliance programs and acting as compliance counsel. The Kitch compliance attorneys will lay the compliance program groundwork for attendees to build on for the rest of the day. In the event CMS issues its final rules on compliance programs, these developments will, of course, be incorporated into this program.


moderatedMODERATED PANEL DISCUSSION ON FALSE CLAIMS/QUI TAM LAWSUITS – This panel will include individuals with experience in each side of a False Claim/Qui Tam lawsuit to share their experience and insight into the origins, development, and disposition of these claims.


qualityQUALITY-OF-CARE COMPLIANCE – The OIG has identified numerous quality-of-care risk areas in its compliance guidance for skilled nursing facilities. The seminar will feature speakers who have performed countless compliance assessments and audits on quality of care issues who will guide attendees in determining where to focus their compliance efforts with quality of care issues and how to be the most effective with those efforts.


billingBILLING COMPLIANCE – A False Claim involves “billing” for services inappropriately, and yet “Billing Compliance” gets surprisingly little attention in many compliance programs. This seminar will include speakers that will focus on billing compliance concerns and provide attendees with recommendations for policies, procedures and audits that will improve the effectiveness of their compliance programs.


employeeEMPLOYEE/EMPLOYMENT COMPLIANCE – Most Qui Tam lawsuits stem from disgruntled current or former employees. The Kitch Employment group specializes in long term care and will share its expertise in managing employee concerns to try to avoid Qui Tam/whistleblower lawsuits, as well as provide recommendations for developing policies and procedures to maintain compliance with employment laws and demonstrate an effective compliance program.


immigrationIMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE – Corporate Compliance programs should cover compliance with all laws and regulations. With the shortages in the health care workforce, many providers are trying to attract employees from other countries. This means immigration issues are becoming a risk area for long term care. The Kitch Immigration team will share its proficiency to help attendees navigate this emerging risk area.




In addition to our Kitch attorneys, featured speakers include:


riordanThe Honorable Michael J. Riordan was appointed by the Governor to the Michigan Court of Appeals on March 16, 2012 and then he was elected to a six-year term commencing January 1, 2013. Previously, Judge Riordan worked as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan where he represented the government in False Claims lawsuits.


haronDavid L. Haron is the Managing Member of Haron Law Group P.L.C, and chair of Whistleblower/Qui Tam and Health Care Law practice groups. David focuses his practice on False Claims/Qui Tam lawsuits in connection with false claims submitted to federal and state governments.


szumlinskiAngie Szumlinski, NHA, RN-BC, RAC-CT, BS of Evolucent Services is a nationally-recognized leader in long-term care, with a wealth of experience in virtually every operational and clinical aspect of the industry.


kearneyJulie Kearney, President of Kearney & Associates Inc. brings over 27 years of industry experience with billing and reimbursement issues and speaks frequently on these issues.




Jennifer Katinsky






Tuesday, June 21, 2016


8 a.m. to 5 p.m.





One Woodward Avenue

19th floor

Detroit, MI 48226



For directions, please click here.



In addition:

  • No cost
  • Lunch will be provided
  • CEUs available






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