As mass vaccination campaigns against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) commence worldwide, vaccine effectiveness needs to be assessed for a range of outcomes across diverse populations in a non-controlled setting. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine cited data from Israel’s largest health care organization to evaluate the effectiveness of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine.
The study evaluated the effectiveness of the novel BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 in a nationwide mass vaccination setting. In a randomized trial, the estimated vaccine efficacy for severe COVID-19 (89% over the entire study period) was based on only 10 cases. The study recorded 229 cases of severe COVID-19, 55 in the vaccinated group and 174 in the unvaccinated group, resulting in an estimated effectiveness of 62% for days 14 through 20 after the first dose, 80% for days 21 through 27, and 92% for 7 or more days after the second dose.
Bottom line? Why not consider getting vaccinated! Remember, it is personal choice but if your employer is not mandating vaccination, consider reading the research, know everything you can and make safe decisions. We are all in this together and ultimately, we will come out on the other side however it takes a village and a lot of sacrifice! Stay well, mask up and stay tuned!