Exciting Collaboration

Angie Szumlinski
April 25, 2017

As we continue to soldier through the process of preventing unnecessary re-hospitalizations and nosocomial infections, AHCA/NCAL has partnered with Brown University’s Center for Gerontology to involve members in a proposed study that seeks to evaluate if enhanced environmental cleaning will reduce the rate of infection among patients in skilled nursing centers and ultimately reduce hospitalizations.
AHCA has established a center devoted to introducing and testing quality improvement interventions in long term care settings and Brown is collaborating with a leader in this type of research from the University of California Irvine. We are seeking to work with several nursing home organizations, each with multiple centers in a regional market. As participants in this project, you will receive six (6) months of free cleaning disinfectants to use in your centers. If you are interested in more information, please email Vince Mor at Vincent_Mor@brown.edu or call him at Brown University (401) 863-2959.
If you are currently struggling with addressing an increase in infection rates or are not realizing a positive trend in reducing infections this might be a great opportunity for you and your team! Take a minute to think about how this could impact what you do in your center day in and day out. What chemical cleaning/disinfecting agents are you currently using? Are they effective? Maybe but maybe not! This study is only going to be successful if we have a good blend of participants with varying degrees of acuity and physical plant.
Consider taking the plunge, participate, contribute and enjoy the benefits of reduced infection and re-hospitalization rates plus the bonus of reducing costs to your environmental budget for the next six (6) months! Questions? Feel free to contact Mr. Mor at the email link above and please be sure to share your experience with your peers!

View VANISH Trial Details Here


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