Funny fact, the average person eats more than 7,000 calories on Christmas day, more than 3 times the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommended daily intake of calories. Yikes! Can you imagine knowing that before you sit down to dinner? Sure, we all snack a little more during the holidays, it is a given, right? But seriously, 7,000 calories in one day?
Let’s break it down. The average dinner on Christmas has things like turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy (love gravy!), specialty rolls and butter, and of course, adult beverages. Oh, did I mention dessert? Most of us indulge in things like pecan or pumpkin pie, bread pudding, lava cake, and many other decadent desserts based on our culture and traditions.
But one positive, families tend to gather and eat an “early dinner” (early is anything before 6:00 pm in my house) so that should help us burn some of the calories, right? Ha! You jest of course! Because we eat early, most of us can be found rummaging through the refrigerator for a “snack” around 8:00 pm, and the “snack” isn’t usually an apple! Instead, we are indulging in the leftover pie or a turkey sandwich, the excuse? Can’t let it go to waste, so we let it go to WAIST! Anyway, bottom line, enjoy, indulge, know that you will hate yourself in the morning but what the heck! Have a safe and wonderful holiday, enjoy your families, remember in your prayers, those gone and those struggling, and I will see you in the gym on January 1! Stay well, stay informed, and stay tuned!