Hurricane Irene

Angie Szumlinski
August 31, 2011

Wow what a week the East Coast has had!  Amazingly to date no nursing facilities or senior communities suffered any casualties although many sustained property damage.  The good news is the majority of HealthCap members we contacted prior to the hurricane making landfall were ready and well prepared for the worst case scenario.  Everyone had additional supplies, food, water, staff and wonderful families who were assisting in the process of “hunkering down”. 

Hurricane season is definitely upon us and we should all be prepared for the “what if”!  It may be time for your team to review your facility’s current policies on floods, power outage, natural disasters, evacuation, etc.  Many times policies are in place for years, never needed and when they are needed in an emergency they don’t meet our current needs!  It is also a good time to assess each resident for their ability to evacuate if necessary.  Are each and every one of your residents able to assist in an evacuation?  Our experience tells us that no, many residents are not able to assist!  What are your plans for ensuring each resident receives the support and assistance they may need in the event of an emergency? 

Remember, an ounce of prevention…..buildings can be replaced, loved ones cannot.  Take a few minutes to review the Life Safety Code on evacuation assessment.  There are also resources on the HealthCap Member Only website to assist in this process.  Thank you, be safe and happy fall!

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