Michigan COVID-19 Safety Grant Program

Angie Szumlinski
June 9, 2021

The Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Opportunity and MIOSHA have announced another round of the Michigan COVID-19 Safety Grant Program to help ensure safe and healthy work environments to reduce the risk of COIVD-19 in Michigan. The grant awards small businesses matching funds up to $10,000 in efforts to minimize the risk of COVID-19 in their workplace. This can include COVID-19 training and/or purchasing health and safety equipment such as hygiene stations, physical barriers, upgrades to ventilation systems, face coverings, and other PPE. In this round of funding, $500,000 is designated for non-in home licensed childcare providers and the rest will be distributed on a first-come first-served basis. In order to qualify, an employer must meet the following criteria:

  • Have 250 employees or less, company- wide
  • Come under the jurisdiction of MIOSHA
  • Relate project directly to improvements that will lead to a reduction in the risk of COVID-19 exposure to employees and communities
  • Have the knowledge and experience to complete the project and be committed to its implementation
  • Provide a copy of their COVID-19 safety plan

The grant period begins on Monday, June 7 through Friday, June 18. Complete the Michigan COVID-19 Safety Grant application at Michigan.gov/COVIDWorkplaceSafety. To view their informational brochure, please click below:

Michigan COVID-19 Safety Grant Program

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