New Techniques Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections

Angie Szumlinski
May 21, 2019

The AHRQ’s healthcare-associated infections program funds programs and systems to aid frontline health care staff and prevent HAIs by enhancing and refining patient care methods. AHRQ’s system of grants and contracts focuses on research that improves clinicians’ ability to fight HAIs. This research makes the application of proven care methods safer for all. As a result of this research, AHRQ has developed a modular safety system called CUSP.

The Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) is a program that helps make clinical teams safer by combining a scientific view of safety with teamwork and clinical best practices. CUSP consists of a Core Toolkit and a series of additional programs for specific care processes that fit into the best practices and framework of the Core. The Core CUSP Toolkit walks health care professionals through a series of steps including how to assemble and a manage a team, engage senior executives, identify defects in practices, and more. Modules that fit in to that framework include safe surgery toolkits, antibiotic usage toolkits, CLABSI and CAUTI prevention toolkits, and more.

AHRQ hopes to improve patient care nationwide and reduce the costs and dangers of health-care associated infections. Share on X

With this proprietary system, AHRQ hopes to improve patient care nationwide and reduce the costs and dangers of health-care associated infections.

The original site can be found HERE.

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