Are you facing staffing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic? Well, you aren’t alone! Have you considered temporary nurse aides? AHCA/NCAL has an online, 8-hour training program for temporary nurse aide certification. The program was developed to give centers an opportunity to train current ancillary staff as well as others interested in providing care (i.e., activity aides, dietary aides, housekeepers, etc.).
The program is available online, 24/7, and is an 8-hour, self-paced, individualized program. The good news: CMS has approved the use of temporary nurse aides until October 23, 2020, the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) unless CMS terminates the waiver earlier. It is also possible that the PHE could be extended further.
It isn’t too late! Contact your state health care association as there are nuances in each state; take a look at the program and talk to your staff. It might be an opportunity to trial universal caregivers! As a bonus, your residents will be cared for by familiar staff versus agency staff- it is a win-win. Thanks for all you do for your residents and staff during this challenging time. Stay well, stay safe and stay tuned!
Click the link below to learn more about the program: