OSHA Site Visits

Angie Szumlinski
November 29, 2011

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has scheduled inspections for approximately 300 nursing and personal care communities in the upcoming year.  The facilities currently scheduled for visits have higher than average employee injury or illness rates.  The visits will be unannounced so it is important that you understand the data you have collected to allow you to evaluate where your facility falls compared to your peers for Days Away From Work (DAFWII), Days Away, Restricted and Transferred (DART).

As with any survey process, being prepared is critical; however, the data used to determine who will receive a visit is historical.  It is time to be proactive and possibly avoid being on the list of facilities being visited.   A review of current practices including lift free programs, environmental safety, accident prevention, PPE use, etc. may be beneficial.  Remember, when staff is unable to perform their assigned duties everyone suffers.  Residents require care and co-workers need assistance.  Avoiding injuries and illness is everyone’s responsibility and everyone benefits from an accident free zone. 

Consider reviewing your current processes through the Quality Assurance Committee and discuss options for improving outcomes.  Analyze the data you are collecting to assist in identifying risks that could lead to injury and work collaboratively with the direct care staff in encouraging safety in the workplace!

Vist the OSHA website

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