
Angie Szumlinski
June 29, 2022

On June 16, 2022, CMS issued a new guidance document that states the mandate requiring state surveyors to be vaccinated has been rescinded. The federal government explained that the guidance does not include any possibility of penalties for non-compliance AND further prohibits facilities from inquiring about surveyor vaccination status.

There are lots of questions flying around, i.e., can you require them to be tested on-site? Probably not if you aren’t allowed to ask their vaccination status; what about OUR staff and contractors? Are we deemed to be a higher risk of passing infection on to our residents? Likely not, so why the double standard?

At the end of the day, I’m venting, I watch our centers struggle to maintain enough caregivers to provide quality care for our residents related, in part, to the vaccine mandate. On a personal note, I am up-to-date with my vaccines and highly recommend anyone having close contact with seniors, consider being vaccinated. Which raises the question, don’t surveyors come in close contact with our residents? Hmmm, might be time to solicit support from your local congresspeople, senators, associations, and whoever else will listen. If the goal is to keep our residents safe it takes a village, including state surveyors! Stay the course, stay informed, and stay well!

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