- If a staff member is not feeling well; fever, cough, shortness of breath, they should call their supervisor and stay home
- The staff members should not return to work until they have been cleared with a physician note; or emergency state orders allow them back sooner
- If a staff member becomes ill or symptomatic during their shift, they should be removed from contact with other staff members, residents and visitors immediately and sent home for self-monitoring/isolation/quarantine
- Staff can lessen the risk of spreading the infection by protecting themselves
- Understanding the virus; how it spreads etc
- Clean and sanitize flat surfaces frequently; at least once/day or in between resident use
- Covering nose and mouth with a mask or cloth covering
- Washing hands frequently; when soiled, after touching your face, coughing/sneezing, removing gloves, in between assisting residents
- Using hand sanitizers when soap/water are not available