During a period of visiting restrictions, it is important to strengthen the communication between nursing home staff and relatives of nursing home residents. Timely communicate information on what the visiting restrictions entail, and frequently inform relatives on health, well-being, and care planning of nursing home residents. Also, communication between nursing home residents and their relatives is vital. Facilitate regular communication through contact possibilities such as phone calls or video calls, and provide alternative forms of communication such as meeting each other behind glass or outside while maintaining physical distance.
It has been a journey and we aren’t quite done, keeping the lines of communication open is critical and even more so now that we are entering the second wave. It isn’t easy, we are all busy but remember, family members are also isolated to their homes and have a lot of time to worry about Grandma. Don’t give them a reason to worry, communicate, share good stories, and above all let them know how important they are to the well-being of their loved ones. Stay the course, stay strong, stay well, mask up, and stay tuned!