Peak Resources
Continuing to navigate through this pandemic, we are constantly reminded that overcoming obstacles, staying positive, and staying safe is truly a team effort. As every team needs leaders, we are always grateful to hear stories of strong individuals that lead and support that effort. Our newest HealthCap Hero, June R. Miller, has been recognized by her team at Peak Resources for going the extra mile to provide information and guidance to her team so they can support their residents the best they can. Check out their statement below:
“I want to take a moment to thank our COO, June R. Miller, for her unending guidance during this crisis. June is up every day before 5:00 AM, reviewing any and all COVID updates and guidelines in order to guide all of us so that we can provide the best care to our residents. She has gone above and beyond for our company. She motivates us all to keep on going despite the enormous obstacles we face. She is the reason why I am able to work every day and keep my focus on the care and well-being of our amazing residents. I am forever grateful for the guidance she has given to all Peak employees and she is an example for all of us to follow.”
– Peak Resources
HealthCap would like to thank June for her hard work keeping her team up to date with information and for the guidance she has provided to steer them in the right direction. They say knowledge is power, and we need all the power we can get to fight this battle!
Thank you June for your heroic efforts, and thank you Peak Resources for sharing her story and encouraging others to follow her example.