Fat – Yikes!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

We all know that “fat” is not good for us, even “good fats” in excess can cause health issues, but did you know that it may also reduce brain volume? Yikes! In a study of healthy, middle-aged adults, greater visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat predicted brain atrophy especially in women. Hmmm, that just doesn’t seem fair especially for post-menopausal women, …

A Spoonful of Sugar Indeed

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Everyone is aware of the dangers of consuming too much sugar, especially those containing fructose, obesity, coronary heart disease and even depression. But did you know that each additional serving of sugar-sweetened beverage per week increases your risk of gout by 4% and coronary heart disease by 17%? Yikes! The recommendation is to reduce the consumption of free sugars or …

Let Them Eat!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

We are all busy, many of us too busy in our day-to-day lives; we know what stress does to our bodies, but have we ever looked at how our “busy” impacts our children? I read an interesting article on the value of family mealtimes and how longer family meals are healthier for kids. Seriously, adding just 10 minutes to meal …

The Amazing B6!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

I am not a big vitamin person; I was raised to eat a balanced diet and get as many nutrients from natural food sources as you can. Sure, if you have a clinical condition requiring you to take vitamins, by all means, take them! That said, a recent article published in myfooddata.com was very interesting. The article talked about the …