Trump Administration to Release 1.5 Million N95 Respirators

Angie Szumlinski
September 15, 2020

Beginning August 28, 2020, the Defense Logistics Agency will direct shipment of N95 respirators to select nursing homes that recently reported having enough supplies for only zero to three days of operations. These respirators are meant to supplement existing supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) and will provide a seven-day supply for each nursing home to support an entire shift before discarding used products.

As we continue to journey through this pandemic, we are required to report our PPE supply levels to state and federal agencies. Yes, it is a struggle however this is an example of the “why” we do what we do. Without the information we share with the NHSN, this would not be possible. So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, we get it! If you think you are “over-reporting” to “too many agencies”, you might be correct. However, at the end of the day that light at the end of the tunnel might not be an oncoming train but rather additional support! Stay well, stay safe, and stay tuned!

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