Each of us is a unique individual with unique beliefs and needs. In this age of uncertainty, many people have listened to the experts, read the reports, looked at the numbers, and at the end of the day have decided not to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This is individual choice, right or wrong; we as Americans make choices to fit our needs and also bear the consequences of our decisions.
In Israel, incentives intended to compensate for months of social restrictions have been introduced, termed the “green pass.” This pass would allow access (currently limited to 6 months) to social, cultural, and sports events, as well as to gyms, hotels, and restaurants for people with immunity, whether based on having recovered from COVID-19 or being fully vaccinated (1 week after the second dose). The green pass also gives exemption from quarantine after contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case or upon returning from international travel. The aim of the pass is to encourage citizens, including those at lower risk of severe COVID-19 disease, to receive vaccination in a national attempt to achieve 95% immunization rates, presumably a sufficient percentage to reach herd immunity.
Wow, what a novel idea! Imagine using a “green pass” to do things that are currently restricted or forbidden altogether. Similar to walking into Costco with your card, you have privileges above and beyond your neighbor who doesn’t have a card! Definitely something to think about as we continue to navigate these troubling times.
Stay well, mask up, and stay tuned!