On again, off again, the same old song, one we have been living since the beginning of the pandemic, right? You remember, update your policy today and shred it tomorrow or sometimes later the same day! Mask, don’t mask, vaccinate, don’t vaccinate, test, don’t test, whew, it can be exhausting! It is no wonder everyone is confused!
The most recent information received from CMS states that vaccination will no longer be REQUIRED for staff or residents HOWEVER it is our responsibility to EDUCATE and OFFER vaccines. Will this change again before the effective date? Hard to tell. What I would recommend is that you maintain a file of all QSO memos and CMS announcements to support that yesterday you were doing what was required yesterday and today you are compliant with the rules of the day.
Sounds daunting, doesn’t it? Well, it likely is if you don’t have these documents in your hands already. The good news is that you can get all CMS memos on the CMS.gov website and start from there. At a minimum, I would suggest gathering the documents that pertain to the end of the PHE. This is where the major changes are occurring, and you can be somewhat confident that you know the rules that apply at the moment. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to keep our residents and staff safe and healthy! Stay well and stay informed!
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