You know, scabies aren’t exactly a popular topic around the dinner table, but when it comes to infection control in senior living, it’s one we can’t ignore. This pesky little pest can spread in the blink of an eye, impacting the comfort and well-being of both residents and staff. The 2024 scabies prevention guidelines for senior living facilities highlight key actions we can take to minimize outbreaks and keep our residents’ scabies free.
It is of upmost importance that the facility infection preventionist educates direct care staff on identifying early symptoms of scabies. By identifying potential cases early and isolating them quickly, facilities can assist in preventing scabies from spreading further. The guidelines also stress the importance of regular skin assessments for residents, particularly those who are bedridden or have compromised immune systems. Early identification paired with clear protocols for cleaning and disinfection can assist in maintaining a scabies-free environment.
For those interested in a deeper dive into these practices, AHCA/NCAL’s comprehensive scabies prevention guidelines provide practical advice tailored to the unique needs of senior living facilities, to assist in ensuring your community remains as healthy and comfortable as possible.
Stay well and stay informed!
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