We know that COVID-19 testing continues to be a significant point of concern for LTC providers. AHCA/NCAL has put together a couple of resources around testing that we want to make sure you are aware of:
- Background on Testing in LTC: This document outlines the key issues in obtaining testing and provides a full explanation of the difference between a PCR and an antibody test.
- Vendors that can Test in LTC: AHCA/NCAL has been seeking vendors that can provide rapid PCR testing for LTC organizations and has created a list here. We are in the process of vetting more vendors, so this list will continue to be updated as more become available.
For members seeking testing from new lab vendors, we would recommend that you use a lab that will bill Medicare directly for Part B. If you have any additional questions, please contact COVID19@ahca.org or review our COVID-19 website.