The Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care and its leading media brand iAdvance Senior Care are conducting surveys to uncover COVID-19’s current impact on senior care and long-term care facilities in the United States. With over 75,000 members, the Institute for the Advancement of Senior Care is dedicated to fostering continuous innovation and best practices for business and clinical professionals working throughout the continuum of senior care. Based on over 250 survey responses received between September and October, the following findings were published:
- Concern regarding COVID-19 decreased slightly but remains very high among leaders, employees, residents and families
- Senior care facility access to supplies has improved, while the need for funding/financial supports and local/state guidance has increased.
- Staffing challenges remain high but seem to be moderating. 54% report continued staffing challenges (down 11%). 41% of facilities report “no increased challenges” (an improvement of 13%). Roughly the same amount of facilities are providing some hazard pay (39%).
- Testing of employees and residents are ongoing at most senior care/LTC facilities. Nearly half are testing every week or every other week.
- Senior care facilities have required funding and many require more. 74% have already received additional funding and only 7% believe they will not need any additional funding.
- Prior to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, senior care facilities were slowly re-opening and loosening restrictions. Among the most popular: outdoor visits (50%), group resident activities with social distancing (36%), and communal dining with social distancing (35%).
- Optimism had been increasing that a new normal could be achieved before the end of Q4 but due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, some senior care facilities have paused the process of re-opening and lessening restrictions.
- Many high priorities exist but topping the list now are safely reopening, testing, and funding.
Click here to read the full report.
Stay the course, stay well, mask up and stay tuned!