May is a very busy month for “holidays”! We have (literally) May Day, National Mother Goose Day, World Laughter Day, National Lemonade Day, National Brothers and Sisters Day, Baby Day, National Truffle Day, International Harry Potter Day, well you get my point, everyone wants their day, my dad referred to them as Hallmark Holidays! With all the white noise, let us not forget one of the most important May holidays, Memorial Day.
My grandchildren visited a local, small town, military cemetery to place flags on the graves of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. They were proud to do it, I was proud they did it and when I asked my grandson about it, he said: “GaGa, they need to take better care of the graves. Grass was growing between the stones, and you could hardly see the flags”. I thought for a moment and asked him what he thought should be done. He said, “someone should go there with scissors and trim around the stones”. From the mouths of babes.
At the end of the day, he is 10 years old and has more respect for our fallen heroes than many adults. Let’s remember, they fought the good fight, they defended our freedom, they left behind people who loved them and most of them were too young to be blessed with a grandchild. When you bow your heads this Memorial Day, give thanks for all we have and remember who fought to be sure we would be safe and secure. God bless our heroes; God bless the United States of America and remember to thank a veteran! Stay well and stay informed!