
Angie Szumlinski
May 28, 2024

I for one love olives, green olives, black olives, Greek olives, doesn’t matter, love them all! So, on a recent trip to Paso Robles, California, I was super excited to find an “olive tasting bar”, yay me! Unfortunately, there were no little green or black olives floating around, merely olive “oil” tasting. Well, that wasn’t what I had in mind, but I did enjoy looking at all the different types of olive oil. In fairness, I love olive oil too, so the trip wasn’t a total bust!

Did you know that in a recent study, participants who consumed olive oil were less likely to die from dementia? I know, sounds weird, but the study showed a connection between not only consuming olive oil but also how much you consumed. Irrespective of diet quality and beyond heart health, the findings extend the current dietary recommendations of choosing olive oil and other vegetable oils for cognitive-related health.

Of course, there are naysayers who argue that the food you eat is also a marker of the food you don’t eat. People who ate olive oil consumed less margarine and red meat opting to consume more vegetables, whole grains, etc. I for one won’t argue with the experts but was wondering, if I fry my French fries in olive oil are they healthy? Hmmmm….stay well and stay informed!

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