Human Trafficking

Angie SzumlinskiNews

January is Human Trafficking Awareness month; sad that we have a designated month, but we do. Every year millions of people are exploited within and across borders. They are forced to work in factories for little or no pay; harvest crops; work in terrible conditions in mines, construction sites, and fishing boats; or work in private homes. Many victims are …

Human Trafficking

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Headline “Man, Woman arrested in connection with prostitution ring out of Livingston County hotel.” The man is charged with “transporting a person for prostitution,” bond set at $10,000/10%. Is that enough or will he be out on bail overnight? What exactly is “human trafficking?” The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended (TVPA), defines “severe forms of trafficking in …

Handcuffed hands held up in defense

Human Trafficking: Modern Slavery

Angie SzumlinskiTraining

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery – a multi-billion dollar criminal industry that denies freedom to 20.9 million people around the world. No matter where you live, chances are it’s happening nearby. From the girl forced to prostitute at a truck stop, to the man discovered in a restaurant kitchen, stripped of his passport and held against his …