The Right to Vote

Angie Szumlinski
August 1, 2024

Every legal citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote. Are your residents registered to vote in the November 5, 2024, election? The political tide is rushing in, and there is much confusion as to who the candidates will eventually be. That said, it is a resident right to vote if they choose to do so. Absentee ballots are not automatically sent out unless the resident is registered to vote. 

A few tips to consider.  

  • Residents who desire to vote should be presumed competent to do so (unless deemed incompetent and appropriate documentation is in the medical record). 
  • The facility should ensure residents wishing to vote are registered. 
  • If a resident is not registered, a designated staff member shall obtain the required forms and assist the resident with registration. 
  • Absentee ballots should be requested during the registration process. 
  • If absentee ballots are not received timely, contact the local office of elections. 
  • Resident council meetings should include a conversation about the status of the election process. 
  • Staff may not recommend candidates or parties to residents. 
  • Televised debates and conventions should be made available to residents who are interested. 
  • Recordings of such events shall be made available throughout the election cycle for residents who were unable to attend the live viewing. 
  • We may not ask their political affiliation or any personal choice questions. 
  • For residents needing assistance with completing the absentee ballot due to physical disability, confidentiality shall always be maintained. 
  • Security/privacy envelopes shall be used as instructed on the absentee ballot directions. 
  • Transportation will be arranged to voting polls for residents wishing to vote in person. 
  • Documentation of the method used for each resident’s vote shall be maintained in the medical record. 
  • In the event a resident refuse to vote, document in the medical record. 

We still have several months before the national election. Verify your current status and be sure to check on residents who are newly admitted, they have rights as well! Stay well and stay informed! 

For more information:

Fact Sheet: Protecting Voting Rights in Nursing Homes – NursingHome411