Essential Safety Inspections for Senior Living Facilities

Angie Szumlinski
August 6, 2024
Man working on elevator maintenance.

Headline: “Senior Resident Sues Senior Living Complex over Elevator Malfunction

That doesn’t sound like a great scenario, does it? This incident highlights the critical importance of safety inspections for senior living facilities. The resident entered the elevator to go to the lobby when it suddenly lurched and dropped about half a floor. The movement threw him against the wall and railing of the elevator. Once he regained his footing, the elevator lurched again, causing further injury. Adding insult to injury, the doors failed to open despite his attempts to use the door open button. After pressing the intercom button and not receiving immediate assistance, he called 911.

Do you have an elevator in your center? Who is your contractor for maintenance of the equipment? Do you have the required postings inside the elevator car? How about timing on the door closure? Many residents have been injured when the door closes too quickly. Elevators can be scary, and people can be injured using them. Maintenance by the appropriate provider is mandatory if you have an elevator in your center. This isn’t a preventive maintenance program for your environmental services team! Check your documentation, are you meeting the manufacturer recommendations for frequency of maintenance inspections? Are you sure? Go check, I’ll wait!

How about the number of non-resident incidents that result in general liability claims. “Twisted ankle in pothole in parking lot”, “slip and fall in water from a leaky roof”, “trip over unmarked curb/change of grade”. The stories abound, trust me, GL claims happen, and they could happen to you! Tis the season, the weather is decent; it is the perfect time to truly “inspect” your parking lot, sidewalks, roof, etc. There are experts out there who could perform these checks for you! Sure, it will cost a few dollars, but it is a lot cheaper than a claim and that would free your environmental team to maintain indoor repairs and preventive maintenance checks! Stay well and stay informed and prioritize safety inspections for senior living facilities!

HealthCap has policies and procedures to assist with your preventative maintenance program. 

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